Quirky jewellery is undoubtedly the best kind - my favourite necklaces are all a little weird. The most obvious quirky accessories company is probably
Tatty Devine. For Christmas my incredibly lucky younger sister got an amazing Dali-inspired necklace - it is a black plastic moustache on a chain. You can sort of see it below, although my cousin and I were just messing around with this picture, so it's not the best shot ever (I tried looking for the necklace today so I could get a proper photo, but my sister seems to have hidden it... damn her). This necklace is of course from Tatty Devine, for the slightly steep price of £20.

While doing some 'research' for art, I stumbled upon the website The Paper Doll, and through it I found Fancy Jewels. As well as normal jewellery, they do wedding rings. If I get married anytime soon (unlikely, seeing as I'm still in school and everything) I will most definitely order my ring from Fancy. Two of my favourite items are below. Very individual, and I like how simple they are.

These pieces are terrific. I do agree quirky jewelry is the best--it always livens up even the most droll outfit.
wow, beautiful jewerly! :)
The first piece is so cool! I love it!
Haha that moustache necklace is hilarious. Quirky jewellery is always a way to make people look twice at your outfit and think wow!
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